The frilled shark: 3.5 years pregnant
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The frilled shark: 3.5 years pregnant

The frilled shark: a living fossil of the oceans The frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) is a fascinating and prehistoric marine animal that is often referred to as a “living fossil”. Here are some exciting facts about this extraordinary shark: Appearance and habitat The frilled shark has a unique, eel-like appearance with a long, slender body…

The Wrong Way to Dive Deep: The Dangers of Single Tank Deep Diving
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The Wrong Way to Dive Deep: The Dangers of Single Tank Deep Diving

We’ve all heard the stories. Perhaps we’ve even told them. Deep diving on single tank is a thing of the past. Yet it continues to happen in the present and continues to cause dive accidents. Let’s clear this fatal issue up, once and for all, dispelling the myths and misconceptions. Defining our Terms ‘Deep’ is…

The lionfish: Definitely the most famous fish in the Red Sea!
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The lionfish: Definitely the most famous fish in the Red Sea!

Lionfish are a fascinating group of fish native to the Red Sea. They are characterised by their bright colours, their long spines and their poisonous fins. They are not only beautiful to look at, but also important members of the ecosystem. What does a lionfish feed on? The lionfish feeds mainly on small fish, crustaceans…

What is Oxygen Toxicity in Diving? Symptoms, Causes and Prevention
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What is Oxygen Toxicity in Diving? Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Oxygen is key for all life on Earth. But in excess amounts, it can be deadly. For divers, oxygen toxicity poses a real risk that can only be combated with sound knowledge and dive skills. In this article, we’re going through the ins and outs of oxygen toxicity, from symptoms and causes to prevention methods.

Diving with the right partner is more fun! Here are 7 tips on how to become the best buddy!
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Diving with the right partner is more fun! Here are 7 tips on how to become the best buddy!

Being a good dive buddy is one of the most important skills in diving. After all, your dive buddy can make the difference between the best and worst dive of your life! But it is also a skill that is often neglected – especially by experienced divers. In this article we present 7 tips that…