Diving Courses at Lagona Divers
You want to learn how to dive?
Our courses range from introductory diving to the SSI Open Water Diver course, various special courses such as Nitrox, deep diving or night diving to Assistant Instructor Trainer. In all our courses we place great emphasis on safety and try to give you the best possible introduction to diving. To ensure this, we conduct lessons in small groups – often with only one student – and our instructors will offer you enough time to acquire the theoretical knowledge and practical skills so that you can learn to dive in a relaxed atmosphere.
You are also welcome to learn different equipment configurations such as sidemount diving or full face mask diving. Our Lagona Divers – Dahab South dive centre in Happy Life Village is a full technical dive centre offering the full range of technical diving courses, including rebreather diving.

You want to learn to dive? Then the Open Water Diver course is your first step. Upon completion, you’ll have a fully-fledged, internationally recognised diving certificate.
In just 4 days we will teach you all the theory and practical skills needed for independent diving with a buddy of your choice. Start your new adventure right away!
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The Open Water Diver course is your sure ticket to the underwater world through worldwide recognition!
We offer you training that is tailored to your needs and that you will feel comfortable with.
A diving course generally consists of 3 parts: Theory, pool and open water training.
The SSI training materials and online training have been developed so that you can learn the theory independently and at your own pace.
Pool training:
For your practical training in the pool and in the open water, you will have an instructor at your side who will show you how to use the diving equipment. Learning to dive takes time. You get enough time to get used to the world under water until you feel comfortable.
Open water dives:
In the course of at least 4 open water dives in the sea, the skills learned are now applied in real operations. Once you have successfully completed your open water dives, you will receive your globally recognised SSI Open Water Diver certification. Then you have countless possibilities!
DURATION: 4 days
THEORY: in the online training (available immediately after course registration) and with your instructor on site.
DIVES: Basics in the pool and 4 dives in the sea
Age: min. 10 years
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Bitte bedenke: Es geht um Deine Gesundheit und Sicherheit! Im Zweifel immer besser zum Arzt.
Access to SSI online training immediately upon course registration, required open water dives, equipment for the entire course duration, online certification.
Combi-course “Safety-Plus” – in combination with Nitrox special training. Dive more safely with Nitrox breathing gas from your first dive.
Further education courses
What comes after the Open Water?!
SSI builds on an accreditation system after the Open Water Diver course. This is based on the number of logged dives you have and how many specialty courses you have taken.
SSI Specialty Diver – 12 logged dives and two specialty courses
SSI Advanced Open Water Diver – 24 logged dives and 4 specialty courses
SSI Master Diver – 50 geloggte Tauchgänge und 5 Specialty Kurse inklusive Stress & Rescue
These recognition cards are automatically created digitally, free of charge, as soon as the requirements are met!

The SSI Advanced Adventurer course is a concession between time and knowledge. In this course, 5 specialties are “touched upon”. This will give you insight into different aspects of recreational diving.
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If you can’t decide which specialty course is right for you, take an SSI Advanced Adventurer course! With this course you can first get to know different diving topics before you decide on a complete specialty course. It’s a great way to learn what your Advanced training is all about and how valuable it can be for your diving adventures.
In the Advanced Adventurer course you have the opportunity to try out five specialties. After a detailed briefing with your SSI Instructor, you will complete one open water training dive per specialty. This introductory course gives you the opportunity to discover all the specialty courses. You can take any of the Specialty courses at a later date and have your Advanced Adventurer course count towards it.
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 3 days
Dives: 5
Benefits: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, 5 dives, digital certification.
Prerequisites: OWD

The SSI Perfect Buoyancy Specialty course is the best way to improve your buoyancy and experience perfect dives.
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The SSI Perfect Buoyancy Specialty course is the best way to improve your buoyancy and experience perfect dives. Buoyancy is one of the most important diving skills, but any experienced diver will tell you that it takes time to achieve perfection. In this course you will learn challenging buoyancy skills and techniques to help you master your buoyancy faster.
By improving your water position and buoyancy control, you can reduce your air consumption and increase your bottom times. In this fascinating course you will also learn new skills to protect the underwater world that can always be used. At the end, you’ll receive the SSI Perfect Buoyancy Specialty certification. Well-balanced, you’ll soon be gliding serenely through the water, taking the underwater photos you’ve always dreamed of or simply enjoying the weightlessness.
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 1 day
Dives: 2
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Enriched Air Nitrox

Take an Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty course if you want to shorten your surface intervals and extend your dive time.
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The SSI Enriched Air Nitrox programme shows you how to safely plan and conduct dives with enriched air mixtures of up to 40% oxygen. Diving with oxygen enriched air (EAN) increases your decompression limits and safety and reduces the length of surface interval required compared to air. You will receive SSI Enriched Air Nitrox 32% or 40% certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: half day
Dives: optional – 1 dive recommended
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Deep diving

The SSI Deep Diving Specialty offers you the opportunity to plan and conduct dives deeper than 18 metres safely and comfortably.
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Many exciting dive sites are located in deeper waters. Without proper training, deep dives can be very dangerous. The SSI Deep Diving Specialty offers you the opportunity to safely and comfortably plan and conduct dives deeper than 18 metres and is a prerequisite for your future diving career. You will receive SSI Deep Diving Specialty certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 15 years
Duration: 1.5 days
Dives: 3
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Depth limit according to certification: 40m
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Underwater Navigation

This specialty course will give you the knowledge and advanced skills you need to navigate safely and confidently underwater.
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This programme provides the necessary knowledge and skills for safe and comfortable navigation during a dive. You will learn how a compass and natural navigation techniques work, estimate distances correctly and learn about basic navigation patterns. You also train to leave and return to certain fixed points. You will receive SSI Navigation Specialty certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 1 day
Dives: 2
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Night diving

Night dives require very different skills than daylight dives. The SSI Night Diving & Limited Visibility Specialty course is the best way to learn all about night diving and practice the techniques needed to make you a safe and confident night diver.
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This programme provides the necessary knowledge and skills for safe and comfortable diving at night or with limited visibility. Your dives don’t have to end at sunset, because some of the ocean’s most amazing creatures only appear at night. Entering and exiting the water, using special equipment and communicating properly with your buddy at night or in limited visibility are all part of the programme. You will receive SSI Night Diving and Limited Visibility Specialty certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 2 evenings
Night dives: 2
Benefits: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification, plus extra charge for night dives.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Stress & Rescue

The SSI Diver Stress and Rescue Specialty course is the best course to learn how to protect yourself and other divers. You will learn how to recognise stress, avoid accidents and use practical techniques to perform rescues and emergency care.
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What if something happens? Stress is one of the main causes of diving accidents and has a negative impact on rescue situations. This programme provides the necessary knowledge and skills to identify stress, prevent accidents and act appropriately in emergency situations. You will receive the SSI Diver Stress & Rescue Specialty certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 3 days
Dives: 4 – 6
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification, plus surcharge for night dives.
Prerequisites: OWD, proof of first aid course not older than 1 year
(Certification in emergency oxygen handling recommended).
Recreational Sidemount

The Recreational Sidemount course trains you in the correct sidemount setup and techniques required to efficiently and effectively use up to two scuba tanks in recreational diving in a sidemount configuration.
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What has long been practised in wreck and cave diving is now also being discovered by more and more recreational divers: the easy, pleasant and weightless diving without feeling the weight of the scuba on your back – who wouldn’t want to have this experience once? Special training is needed to be able to do this kind of diving safely. This is offered with the SSI Specialty course Recreational Sidemount.
You will learn everything about the background, history, advantages and equipment of sidemount diving. In practice you will then learn how to configure your equipment and handle it in the water. You’ll soon realise that the comfortable buoyancy and easier movement will give you a whole new diving experience.
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 2 Days
Dives: 3-4
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification, plus surcharge for night dives.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Sience of Diving

This programme provides in-depth and detailed information on physics, physiology, decompression theory, aquatic environment and diving equipment.
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This programme provides in-depth and detailed information on physics, physiology, decompression theory, aquatic environment and diving equipment. This training is required for most SSI Dive Professional programmes and some Extended Range programmes. You will receive SSI Science of Diving Specialty certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Search and recovery

Lost items are now a thing of the past with the SSI Search & Recovery Specialty course. In this fascinating course you will learn all the skills to safely and confidently conduct search and recovery dives.
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This programme provides the necessary knowledge and skills to safely plan and conduct search and recovery dives. You’ll learn about search patterns, specialised dive plans, underwater communications and how to recover small to medium sized objects using specialised equipment such as lift bags. You will receive SSI Search & Recovery Specialty certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 1 day
Dives: 2
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Current and waves

Gliding fast in a current is a fantastic experience and opens up a new world for you. The most spectacular marine life is also naturally found where the current is strongest.
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Water movement can have a huge impact on your diving experience. This programme provides the necessary knowledge and skills to dive safely from shore, in currents and in different types of waves. Upon completion of the programme you will receive SSI Waves, Tides and Currents certification.
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 1 day
Dives: 2
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Boat diving

The sea is full of dive sites and many top spots are only accessible by boat. If you want to discover these incredible dive sites, become a SSI Boat Diver.
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The ocean offers many dive sites that are not accessible from the shore. This programme provides the necessary knowledge and skills to safely dive from a boat and experience the best underwater. You will receive SSI Boat Diving Specialty certification upon completion of this programme.
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 1 day
Dives: 2
Benefits: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification, plus price for boat trip.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Underwater photography

Underwater photography presents you with new challenges, but with the SSI Photo & Video Specialty course you will soon learn how to make your experiences and encounters underwater unforgettable. This course will teach you everything you need to know about diving with an underwater camera and give you the in-depth knowledge to properly operate, maintain and store your equipment.
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Digital photography is modern and contemporary. Compared to the analogue method, digital underwater photography has the invaluable advantage that the image result can be checked immediately on the camera’s monitor. This speeds up the photographic learning process considerably because you can learn directly from your mistakes.
Capture your experiences in unique pictures and learn everything about: Choosing the right camera equipment; The theoretical basics of photography; The right photographic techniques; The appropriate choice of subject and image composition.
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 1 day
Dives: 2
Benefits: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification, plus rental camera if required.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Dry diving

As a dry suit diver, you can dive warm and comfortable in cold waters all year round.
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As a dry suit diver, you can dive warm and comfortable in cold waters all year round. Only dry diving opens up the special underwater landscapes of cold water: dives on icebergs in the remote Arctic or fascinating places teeming with life despite the cold. Dry suits are also great if diving several times a day. Because instead of struggling out of the cold, wet diving suit every time, the dry suit diver simply leaves his suit on.
The best way to dry suit dive is the SSI Dry Suit Diver Specialty course. Here you will gain the necessary knowledge and learn all the skills to dive safely and comfortably in a drysuit. This includes handling the special equipment and also how to deal with difficult situations and problems with the dry suit. At the end of the course is the SSI Dry Suit Diving Specialty certification.
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 1.5 day
Dives: 2 and 1 pool unit
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Unsere Specialty-Ausbildungen sind – wie fast unser gesamtes Tauchprogramm – modular. Buche dein Specialty und die für das praktische Training notwendigen Tauchgänge nimmst du aus deinem Tauchpaket bzw. buchst diese separat vor Ort. Ganz nach deinem Belieben!
Prerequisites: OWD
Equipment Techniques

Choosing and buying your own scuba equipment is probably the biggest and most important investment you’ll make as a diver, but it’s easy to get it wrong. We want you to choose the best diving equipment for you and know how to take care of it.
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In the SSI Equipment Techniques programme you learn which equipment suits you best and how to care for and store it properly. The programme ensures high performance and increases the lifespan of your equipment. You will receive the SSI Equipment Techniques Specialty certification.
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
React Right

React Right is the SSI emergency course for first responders and provides the knowledge and practical skills to act correctly as a first responder in a medical emergency.
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React Right is the SSI emergency course for first responders and provides the knowledge and practical skills to act correctly as a first responder in a medical emergency. In this flexible course you can choose your subject areas, such as initial assessment, first aid, CPR and stabilisation techniques. You will learn more about the administration of emergency oxygen and the use of the defibrillator (AED). With a combination of theory and practical exercise scenarios, this course will give you important tools and confidence for emergency response.
If you are certified, you can act as a first aider, give first aid and CPR, administer oxygen and provide AED support. Earn your SSI React Right Specialty certification and help other divers in need. Start your SSI React Right Specialty course today!
Minimum age: 12 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: —
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Marine Ecology Courses
Marine Ecology

Take the SSI Marine Ecology Specialty course and find out how marine organisms interact with each other and their environment, and how different marine ecosystems affect each other.
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This programme teaches a general understanding of the complex and exciting studies of marine ecosystems. This includes how organisms interact with each other and the environment, the flow of energy through communities and the interconnectedness of ocean ecosystems. After completing the programme you will receive the SSI Marine Ecology Specialty certification.
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Fish Identification

The world’s oceans are home to countless species of fish and you will encounter many fascinating sea creatures on your dives!
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The world’s oceans are home to countless species of fish and you will encounter many fascinating sea creatures on your dives! In this course you will learn all the skills and procedures to identify the most popular reef fish families of the Caribbean, Indo-Pacific and Red Sea. At the end you will receive your SSI Fish Identification Specialty certification.
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Coral Identification

Divers love coral reefs and with good reason. Because there is something magical about gliding over a healthy reef where life takes place underwater.
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Divers love coral reefs and with good reason. Because there is something magical about gliding over a healthy reef where life takes place underwater. These precious ecosystems are fascinating and the SSI Coral Identification Specialty course is the best way to learn more about coral reefs and get the most out of your reef dives. In this specialty course you will learn skills and methods to identify the most important coral species and receive your SSI Coral Identification Specialty certification at the end.
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Manta & Ray Ecology

The SSI Manta & Ray Ecology Specialty course teaches you how to dive with rays and how to tell different rays apart.
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The SSI Manta & Ray Ecology Specialty course teaches you how to dive with rays and how to tell different rays apart. You will learn a lot about the important role of rays in the marine ecosystem and why these noble animals need our protection. Upon completion of the course you will receive your SSI Manta & Ray Ecology Specialty certification.
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Sea Turtle Ecology

Sea turtles are some of the most wonderful animals you will ever dive with. And you’ll want to spend even more time with them once you’ve completed the SSI Sea Turtle Ecology Specialty course.
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Sea turtles are some of the most wonderful animals you will ever dive with. And you’ll want to spend even more time with them once you’ve completed the SSI Sea Turtle Ecology Specialty course. This specialty course tells you how to distinguish and identify the different species. It tells you about their long, fascinating history, describes their role in the marine ecosystem and the dangers that threaten their survival. At the end of the course you will receive the SSI Sea Turtle Ecology Specialty certification.
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.
Shark Ecology

The SSI Shark Ecology course teaches you how to interpret shark behaviour, why they are often misunderstood and how to dive safely with them.
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The SSI Shark Ecology course teaches you how to interpret shark behaviour, why they are often misunderstood and how to dive safely with them. It is the perfect course for shark fans, but also for divers who have a fear of sharks and want to finally overcome it. Upon completion you will receive your SSI Shark Ecology Specialty certification and be an avid shark diver for sure. Start today!
Minimum age: 10 years
Dives: —
Prerequisites: OWD
Features: Access to SSI online training immediately after course registration, digital certification.