SSI Extended Range Instructor Courses with Lagona Divers
Would you like to teach more than just normal scuba diving?
With over 10 years of experience in the diving industry, of which Andy and Kerstin have exclusively dived, taught and lived technical diving, you are definitely in the right place if you are looking to start, improve or expand your career in the technical diving industry! Below you will find the full list of SSI XR Instructor courses we teach at Lagona Divers. Click on the course you are interested in to find out more about prerequisites, duration and content. We can run all courses in sidemount and/or backmount configuration. For more detailed information on all our Tec courses please visit our dedicated Lagona Divers Technical website.
SSI Extended Range Foundations Instructor

Teach other divers to improve their diving skills by improving their buoyancy, trim, fin techniques, positioning and communication – all key fundamental aspects to becoming a proficient technical diver! The course is generally structured as a workshop, and is customised to the student’s equipment configuration and level of experience.
- Own and use a Total Diving System in the appropriate equipment as described in the SSI General Training Standards.
Must have at least one of the following SSI certifications and be in active status:
- Open Water Instructor | Extended Range Foundations Instructor (Single-Tank)
- Extended Range Instructor | Extended Range Foundations Instructor ( Twinse)
- Recreational Sidemount Diving Specialty Instructor Recreational Sidemount Diving | Extended Range
Foundations Instructor (Sidemount) - SCR Diving Instructor | Extended Range Foundations Instructor (SCR)
- CCR Diving Instructor | Extended Range Foundations Instructor (CCR)
Participate in a two-day seminar and successfully complete the following:
- Review of the SSI General Training Standards, and the standards related to the XR programmes
- programmes for which the candidate wishes to be certified.
- Review of all programme-specific student and instructor content
- An equipment configuration session must be completed for the appropriate Total Diving System.
- A pool/limited open water session that includes the presentation and assessment of all required skills of the programme. All skills must be performed in demonstration quality.
SSI Extended Range Foundations Instructors can teach the following courses depending on their level:
- Extended Range Foundations (SINGLE TANK)
- Extended Range Foundations (TWINSET)
- Extended Range Foundations (SIDEMOUNT)
- Extended Range Foundations (SCR)
- Extended Range Foundations (CCR)
SSI Extended Range Nitrox Instructor

Learn how to teach your students the basics for all future technical activities. Using a sidemount or twinset configuration, this programme prepares your students to plan and conduct decompression dives with a maximum 15min deco time to a depth of 40m using air as backgas and up to 100% oxygen as decompression gas. As with the User Level, the Instructor course is available either as a stand-alone programme or as part of the SSI Extended Range Trimix Instructor.
- Own and use a Total Diving System in the appropriate equipment as described in the SSI GeneralTraining Standards.
Have logged at least:
- 20 dives deeper than 30 metres
Holds the following SSI certification in active status or an equivalent certification from an SSI recognised organisation
recognised diving organisation:
- Deep Diving Instructor
- Diver Stress & Rescue Instructor
- Enriched Air Nitrox Instructor
- Extended Range Nitrox Diving
- Review of the SSI XR General Training Standards, and the standards related to the SSI XR programmes
- programmes for which the candidate wishes to be certified.
- Review of all programme-specific student and instructor content
- The programme-specific Final Exams
- A dive planning lesson to introduce the Extended Range Dive Planning Table.
- An equipment configuration session must be completed for the appropriate Total Diving System.
- A pool/limited open water session that includes the presentation and evaluation of all required
- skills of the programme. All skills must be performed in demonstration quality.
- In the role of instructor, plan and conduct at least one (1) full decompression dive from the programme.
- Demonstrate the ability to bring an unconscious diver to the surface from a depth between 5 and 10 metres.
SSI Extended Range Nitrox Instructors can teach the following courses:
- Extended Range Nitrox
SSI Extended Range Trimix Instructor

This SSI Extended Range Instructor course offers everything you need to organise and conduct the Extended Range course.
You will learn how to train divers to independently plan and conduct dives to a depth of 45 metres. This course is designed for the use of trimix as a breathing gas to reduce nitrogen narcosis and increase the safety of extended range divers.
Extended Range Instructor certification for air is offered for areas where helium is not available. Start this SSI diving course today and get your SSI Extended Range Trimix Instructor or SSI Extended Range Instructor certification now!
- Own and use a Total Diving System in the appropriate equipment as described in the SSI GeneralTraining Standards.
Have logged at least:
- 20 dives deeper than 30 metres
You have the following SSI certifications or an equivalent certification from a recognised certification body
training organisation:
- Extended Range
- Extended Range Trimix
Holds the following SSI certification in active status or an equivalent certification from an SSI recognised organisation
recognised diving organisation:
- Deep Diving Instructor
- Diver Stress & Rescue Instructor
- Enriched Air Nitrox Instructor
Has issued at least the following certifications:
- 3 Enriched Air Nitrox 40 Certifications
- Review of the SSI Extended Range General Training Standards, and the standards related to the SSI XR programmes programmes for which the candidate wishes to be certified.
- Review of all programme-specific student and instructor content
- The programme-specific Final Exams
- A theory presentation on a topic applicable to the programme and level of training.
- A dive planning lesson introducing the Extended Range Dive Planning Table.
- An equipment configuration session must be completed for the appropriate Total Diving System.
- A pool/limited open water session that includes the presentation and evaluation of all required skills of the programme. All skills must be performed in demonstration quality.
- The assessment of the SSI XR candidate’s fitness to dive in accordance with the SSI XR General Training Standards.
- Training Standards if more than six months have passed since the candidate was assessed.
- An in-water presentation on a topic applicable to the programme and level of training.
- In the role of instructor, plan and conduct at least one (1) full decompression dive from the programme.
- As a team member, plan and conduct at least one (1) successful extended range dive of the appropriate level.
- Demonstrate the ability to bring an unconscious diver to the surface from a depth between 5 and 10 metres.
SSI Extended Range Instructors can teach the following courses:
- Extended Range Nitrox
- Extended Range
SSI Extended Range Trimix Instructors can teach the following courses:
- Extended Range Nitrox
- Extended Range
- Extended Range Trimix
SSI Technical Extended Range Trimix Instructor

The SSI Technical Extended Range Instructor course is the next instructor course you can take after completing the SSI Extended Range Instructor.
You will learn everything you need to complete the Technical Extended Range course and to train divers for decompression dives with two gas changes to a depth of 60 metres. This course is designed for the use of trimix as a breathing gas to reduce nitrogen narcosis and increase the safety of extended range divers.
Technical Extended Range Instructor certification for air is offered for areas where helium is not available. Start this SSI diving course today and get your SSI Technical Extended Range Trimix Instructor or SSI Technical Extended Range Instructor certification now!
- Own and use a Total Diving System in the appropriate equipment as described in the SSI GeneralTraining Standards.
Have logged at least:
- 200 logged dives
- 50 decompression dives deeper than 45 metres
You have the following SSI certifications or an equivalent certification from a recognised certification body
training organisation:
- Technical Extended Range
- Technical Extended Range Trimix
Holds the following SSI certification in active status or an equivalent certification from an SSI recognised organisation
recognised diving organisation:
- Deep Diving Instructor
- Diver Stress & Rescue Instructor
- Enriched Air Nitrox Instructor
- Extended Range Instructor
Has issued at least the following certifications:
- 10 Extended Range Certifications
OR - 5 Extended Range Nitrox Certifications
- 5 Extended Range Certifications
- Repetition of all programme-specific student and instructor content
- The programme-specific final exams (final tests)
- Review of the SSI Extended Range General Training Standards, and the standards related to the SSI XR programmes for which the candidate wishes to be certified.
- A dive planning lesson to introduce the SSI Extended Range Dive Planning Table.
- An equipment configuration session must be completed for the appropriate Total Diving System.
- A theory presentation on a topic applicable to the programme and level of training.
- An assessment of the SSI XR candidate’s fitness to dive in accordance with the SSI XR General Training Standards if more than six months have elapsed since the candidate was assessed.
- A pool/limited open water session that includes the presentation and evaluation of all required skills of the programme. All skills must be performed in demonstration quality.
- An in-water presentation on a topic applicable to the programme and level of training.
- In the role of instructor, plan and conduct at least one (1) full decompression dive from the programme.
- Demonstrate the ability to bring an unconscious diver to the surface from a depth between 5 and 10 metres.
- During all training lessons in the water, the required Total Diving System with stage
- scuba tanks must be worn.
- During the dive, the candidate must supervise an assistant or another candidate in the role of a student.
- role of a student.
- The dive must be a full decompression dive to a minimum of 50 metres and a gradual decompression dive with at least 25 minutes of decompression and at least two (2) gas changes.
Technical Extended Range Instructors can teach the following courses:
- Technical Extended Range
Technical Extended Range Trimix Instructors can teach the following courses:
- Technical Extended Range
- Technical Extended Range Trimix
Hypoxic Trimix Instructor

Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? Explore dive sites that few people ever reach and develop your SSI Professional career with the SSI Extended Range Hypoxic Trimix Instructor course.
This Trimix certification is the highest Extended Range Diving Instructor level you can achieve within the Open Circuit courses.
It is the next course you can do after the SSI Technical Extended Range Instructor course. It certifies you to train divers to conduct dives with multiple gas changes and decompression dives to a depth of 100 metres.
- Own and use a Total Diving System in the appropriate equipment as described in the SSI General Training Standards.
Have logged at least:
- 250 logged dives
- 30 decompression dives deeper than 60 metres
You have the following SSI certifications or an equivalent certification from a recognised certification body
training organisation:
- Hypoxic Trimix
Has issued at least the following certifications:
- 10 Technical Extended Range Certifications
- Repetition of all programme-specific student and instructor content
- The programme-specific final exams (final tests)
- Review of the SSI Extended Range General Training Standards, and the standards related to the SSI XR programmes for which the candidate wishes to be certified.
- A dive planning lesson to introduce the SSI Extended Range Dive Planning Table.
- An equipment configuration session must be completed for the appropriate Total Diving System.
- A theory presentation on a topic applicable to the programme and level of training.
- An assessment of the SSI XR candidate’s fitness to dive in accordance with the SSI XR General Training Standards if more than six months have elapsed since the candidate was assessed.
- A pool/limited open water session that includes the presentation and evaluation of all required skills of the programme. All skills must be performed in demonstration quality.
- An in-water presentation on a topic applicable to the programme and level of training.
- In the role of instructor, plan and conduct at least one (1) full decompression dive from the programme.
- Demonstrate the ability to bring an unconscious diver to the surface from a depth between 5 and 10 metres
- During all training lessons in the water, the required Total Diving System with stage scuba tanks must be worn.
- During the dive, the candidate must supervise an assistant or another candidate in the role of a student. role of a student.
- The dive must be a full decompression dive to a minimum of 80 metres and have decompression of at least 30 minutes and at least two (2) gas changes.
Hypoxic Trimix Instructoren können folgende Kurse unterrichten:
- Hypoxic Trimix (80m)
- Hypoxic Trimix (100m)
SSI Extended Range Sidemount Instructor

The SSI Extended Range Sidemount Instructor course offers you everything you need to conduct the SSI Extended Range Sidemount course. Once certified, you can teach both the Recreational Sidemount and the Extended Range Sidemount course. Share the benefits of sidemount diving with other divers and teach them how to use multiple stage tanks effectively.
- Own and use a Total Diving System in the appropriate equipment as described in the SSI GeneralTraining Standards.
Have logged at least:
- 20 logged sidemount dives
Option 1
Holds the following SSI certification in active status or an equivalent certification from an SSI recognised organisation
recognised diving organisation:
- Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor
- Recreational Sidemount Diving
Option 2
You have the following SSI certifications or an equivalent certification from a recognised certification body
training organisation:
- Extended Range Sidemount
- Open Water Instructor
- Repetition of all programme-specific student and instructor content
- The programme-specific final exams (final tests)
- Review of the SSI Extended Range General Training Standards, and the standards that apply to the XR programmes for which the candidate wishes to be certified.
- A theoretical presentation on a topic applicable to the programme and level of training.
- An equipment configuration session must be completed for the corresponding Total Diving System.
- A lesson in dive planning to introduce you to the SSI Extended Range Dive Planning Table.
- A session in pool/limited open water that includes the presentation and assessment of all required skills of the programme. All skills must be performed in demonstration quality.
- The assessment of the water suitability of the SSI XR candidate in accordance with the General SSI XRtraining standards if more than six months have passed since the candidate was assessed.
- In the role of instructor, plan and conduct at least one (1) full decompression dive from the programme.
- A presentation in the water on a topic applicable to the programme and training level.
- Demonstrate the ability to bring an unconscious diver to the surface from a depth of between 5 and 10 metres.
An active status SSI Extended Range Sidemount Instructor can complete the following programmes certifications
teach, supervise and issue the following programmes:
- Recreational Sidemount Diving
- Extended Range Sidemount
- Any recreational diving or XR programme with sidemount configuration, if you have the required Instructor certification.